Dave is a skilled industrial stoneware potter, ceramic artist, educator and above all else – a phenomenal youth worker. Inspired by 18th and 19th century ”useful and beautiful” potters, he predominantly creates stoneware pottery thrown on the wheel has been working on his craft for 20+ years. From making pots for himself and friends to collaborating with John Lewis, The White Company and even celebrity chef James Martin.
We, at Inspire, are extremely privileged and grateful to have Dave’s skills and knowledge to inspire the next generation of potters.
We caught up with Dave for a little chat to find out a little bit more about the incredible work he does for our members!
If you want to be part of the Inspire Family and help support the new generation of artists, or sports-stars, or business-owners or just the best version of themselves. Then come along to our Recruitment Evening on Wednesday 8th February! Sign up now!

What do you do at Inspire?
I work in the art room teaching clay to Juniors & Seniors. You can find me most Tuesdays and Thursdays working with the Juniors, we mostly have play sessions using the clay as a fun activity to be creative. My Friday night’s would be spent working with the Senior members, who enjoy working on specific projects and coming back to their creations every week.
When did you first start using Clay and how many hours do you commit to your craft?
I started using clay when I went to college, I was very lucky to be inspired by an amazing teacher. I make pots every day and I’m constantly learning. I don’t think you ever stop learning that’s why clay is so amazing. Going back to how I was taught, my tutor was a real production maker and just got us to make more and more, really that’s the only way to get better!
What inspired you to apply for a job at Inspire?
I applied for the job because I was so inspired by clay and I wanted to pass my skills onto others. I’ve done lots of Art workshops, working with Scouts, Brownies, taking my wheel over to schools, I love the idea of giving something back. I work really hard, but I am super lucky that I’ve got a skill I can transfer. It took ages to get it, but it’s cool that I can now give it to other people, which is a gift.
Why do you think your work with young people is important?
Working with young people is very important to me, I love passing on my skills and seeing people progress. I also learned a lot myself!
Can you name any highlights from your time at Inspire?
Just seeing young people progress with their skills and achievements that they thought were impossible. Seeing confidence grow and teaching the importance of being resilient. I worked on an exciting project in partnership with UCL and DeMontfort University and we explored the positive effects clay has on young people’s mental health. We got to go to Leicester and even had some free time to enjoy high-rope activities at Conkers!
If you had any words of wisdom for someone thinking of applying for a role at Inspire, what would they be?
Just go for it, it’s such and important role you will learn loads and be humbled by the skills young people have and how quickly they learn.